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Divorce In Korea | System & Procedure Explained

What Does A Divorce Look Like In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Be Aware Of?

Jeongyeong Yeo
4 years ago
Divorce In Korea | System & Procedure Explained-thumbnail
Divorce In Korea | System & Procedure Explained-thumbnail

Do you remember the day when the beloved 'Song-Song' couple announced their official divorce mediation? The news shocked many fans and the public since the two seemed like a flawless couple.

So what does the divorce system in Korea look like? Divorce rates by region? Keep reading because we've got the divorce system in Korea covered.

Song-Song Couple's Divorce

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Song Joong-ki and Song Hye Kyo's marriage was one of the biggest celebrity news in Korea, especially after their special something sparked from filming Descendants of the Sun together.

The two got married in October 2017, but after a year and eight months of living together, they officially revealed their divorce mediation.

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

To briefly summarize, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye Kyo met on the set of the K-drama, The Descendants of the Sun in 2016.

They got spotted sharing a meal in New York with rumours of dating which both of their agencies denied. When Song-Song couple announced their marriage in 2017, leaving many of the fans shocked and heartbroken.

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

After 20 months of marriage, Song Joong-ki announced his divorce through his lawyer, that he will be filing for divorce from Song Hye Kyo in 2019.

Divorce Mediation In Korea

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Divorce mediation can have two different meanings. One is that the two are involved in property distribution and alimony after the marriage, and the other one is what's called a 'divorce deliberation system'.

Divorce Deliberation System

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

As the name suggests, divorce requires careful consideration. Since 2008, to prevent impulsive divorces, courts across Korea have formally implemented the 'divorce deliberation system', where couples will go through a cooling-off period to encourage thinking twice before ending the relationship.

However, if there is any domestic violence or any other valid reason to get exempted from this cooling-off period, a statement with reasons can be submitted.

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Many European countries adopted this system to prevent impulsive divorces as well.

In Korea, couples with an underage child or undergoing pregnancy are especially required to take three months of the cooling-off period. If the couple doesn't have a child, the duration gets shortened to 1 month.

Effects Of The Cooling-Off Period

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

After the implementation of the divorce deliberation system in 2008, the divorce rate in Korea went down. In 2018, the divorce rate decreased to 2.1% from 2.5% in 2019.

Many people still would like to get divorced, even if they spend three months to reconsider the relationship. However, this cooling-off period can help couples calm down and prevent them from making impulsive decisions.

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Property Division

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Divorce law in Korea clearly states that both men and women are to equally receive half of the quota of property, an amendment that was placed in 2006. Before completing the revision, the ratio available to women was only 30%.

Divorce Statistics In Korea (2018)

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Regions With The Highest Divorce Rates In Korea

Incheon 2.4%

Jeju Island 2.4%

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Regions With The Lowest Divorce Rates In Korea

Seoul 1.6%

Sejong 1.6%

What Is It Like To Get Divorced In Korea? Any Special Regulations And Laws To Aware Of?

Average Age Of Divorce In Korea

Men: 48.28 years old.
Women: 44.75 years old

Fun fact, the average age of marriage is rising every year.

For men, it used to be 31.6 years old in 2009, but in 2018 the average age rose to 33.1 years old. For women, it was 28.7 in 2008, and 30.4 in 2018.

How did you find the divorce-related culture in Korea? Is your home country also have systems to prevent impulsive divorce cases? Please share your facts and opinions with us!

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