
10 Popular Korean Fashion YouTube Channels You Need To Know

If you want to keep up with the latest Korean fashion trends, you need to follow these YouTube channels

3 years ago
10 Popular Korean Fashion YouTube Channels You Need To Know-thumbnail
10 Popular Korean Fashion YouTube Channels You Need To Know-thumbnail

Today we want to show you 10 YouTube channels that you need to know if you love fashion.

Korea is always on top of the fashion game and trends come and go quickly.

If you're finding it hard to keep up, these channels will be a huge help!

Korean Fashion Youtube Channels

1. 도영도영이

YouTube: 도영도영이

IG: doyeong_ _2

The first YouTuber we'd like to introduce is 도영도영이 (DoyeongDoyeongi), a model for the clothing brand Sonyunara (소녀나라) who often uploads videos on various styles of clothing.

What's helpful is that she will go over pros and cons in detail of each product she reviews so you can make an educated decision on whether its worth your money or not.

Her clothing review series has 23 videos so far, and she also does vlogs, tutorials, and get ready with me videos.

2. 수연 i'm suyeon

YouTube: 수연 i'm suyeon

IG: romizing

Suyeon started off uploading vlogs then gradually entered the world of fashion YouTube.

She has videos that compare how clothes look on her versus models who weigh 45 kg to show the difference in how they fit.

I think a lot of her content can feel relatable for other young mothers who have struggled with the way they feel about their bodies and how clothes fit post partum.

Her style is a bit more mature and would be great inspiration for people who want to look a bit more professional.

3. 소신사장 Soshin TV

YouTube: 소신사장 SoshinTV

IG: besimple1

Shop: smartstore.naver.com/besimple

Soshin has been the owner of an online fashion store for over 15 years, but only started uploading to YouTube last year.

She has lookbook videos for different popular styles such as office wear, seasonal outfits, etc.

Currently, her most popular video is "100 Casual Summer Outfits", which is an amazing resource for fashion inspiration.

4. kinda cool 아영

YouTube: kinda cool 아영

IG: __kindacool

kinda cool 아영 (Ah Young) has a cool and comfortable style that is easy for anyone to wear.

5. 혜인 HEYNEE

YouTube: 혜인HEYNEE 's showindow

IG: heynee_showindow

혜인 HEYNEE is great because she showcases a variety of different styles from cute and sweet to trendy streetwear.

You can learn a lot from her on how to put together the best outfits.

And if you're lacking ideas, just check out her monthly fashion videos!

6. 하비언니TV

YouTube: 하비언니TV

IG: m_mmmj22

Shop: habi-unni.com

Just like Soshin, 하비 (Habi) also has her own online fashion store.

She makes lookbook videos so you can get ideas of how to pair clothing items.

Her shop carries size S through 2XL and has very good reviews from customers.

7. AliceFunk앨리스펑크

YouTube: AliceFunk앨리스펑크

IG: alicefunk9093

AliceFunk is the founder of the famous clothing brand Instantfunk_style worn by many idols.

Her channel features fashion tips as well as reviews of other brand-name products.

8. 엘피디LPD

YouTube: 엘피디 LPD

IG: lyj.lpd

LPD's channel shows us some of the best slimming looks, so it is a very popular channel.

Her SPAO haul is a very popular upload.

9. 당당한물결씨의삶

YouTube: 당당한물결씨의삶

IG: high_neflo

This channel also shows viewers great, stylish fashion hacks for looking slimmer and hiding belly fat.

10. 66girls

YouTube: 66GIRLS 육육 걸즈

IG: 66girls

Shop: 66girls.co.kr

And lastly, there is the channel 66girls.

If you're into Korean fashion, you may have heard of the clothing brand before.

66girls is very popular and well known and offers affordable prices and a variety of styles.

You can check out their latest releases on their YouTube channel.

These were 10 Korean fashion YouTube channels to help you keep up with the latest trends.

I hope these can help you in your fashion journey!

Who will you be looking to for style inspo? Tell us in the comments!