He studied abroad in Ethiopia because he likes coffee. He studied abroad in England to learn gentlemanly manners. He doesn't stop talking about his study abroad experiences.
From an overly nasally voice to a strange hook-shaped bang that covers an eye, everything about this guy seems bothersome, yet netizens can't seem to hate him.
This man's name is Choi Jun, a character of virtual blind dates uploaded on YouTube channel Psick Univ.
Recently, the role-playing type contents have been loved by many Koreans on YouTube. Let's find out why these virtual role-playing contents are hot and trendy in 2021!
Why Are Koreans Into Role-playing Contents On YouTube?
Aside from aforementioned Choi Jun, lots of role-playing contents in Korean are emerging on YouTube. The setting of situations that feel too real and hyperrealistic acting confuse first-time viewers, too.
From an online course instructor and a date with a third-generation chaebol (a large conglomerate owned by a family) to a military private's vlog, these eccentric concepts and humour points contained in the role-playing have been driving the view counts of these videos to over a million.
Moreover, the comment section of these videos is always on fire.
To the virtual blind date video with Choi Jun people commented: "I had to watch the video in small sections over the course of 3 days," "I couldn't take the video so I chugged a bottle of liquor and then continued watching," and, "This is the durian of all videos."
You'll also find a number of reaction videos where they scream at the corniest things he says but at the same time, they don't seem to want to turn the video off.
A virtual character that plays a popular K-pop idol Kang-ha has comments saying: "I've realized that I enjoy the pain (of watching videos like this)," and, "The video seems so real that I thought a chubby idol has debuted."
What Is Role-playing?
The dictionary definition of role-playing is: The acting out of the part of a particular person or character.
Recently, the word has been used to express contents on YouTube such as the ones mentioned above.
Since YouTube is accessed on small screens of smartphones rather than on PC or TV, the key is for acting to immerse the audience right away.
Less immersion means lost interest and the video will then be perceived as crude and unorganized.
The recent role-playing videos certainly have the charm of addicting people who are completely immersed in the situation through strong acting skills including eye contact and gestures.
Who Makes These Role-playing Contents On YouTube?
The people who plan, produce and act in the contents are comedians.
YouTube is an attractive stage for comedians in that their individual style and autonomy is guaranteed while contraints related to finding a stage and time are minimized.
The popular comedy shows coming to ends have also played a big factor.
As all the comedy shows on national TV channels including KBS, MBC and SBS have ended, the comedians had to look in other directions for new opportunities and most of them decided on YouTube.
Instead of waiting around for the comedy shows on TV to come back, they decided to move their stage elsewhere to do comedy.
Comedian Kim Min-soo, who manages YouTube channel Psick Univ. with 6 million followers, came on interview TV show You Quiz On The Block and said, "All the comedians who got into the broadcasting network with me have opened up their own YouTube channels except for one. Whether it succeeds or not, you just do it first."
Their passion for comedy, on whatever platform it may be, has touched many viewers. They feel closer to these comedians as they interact with them on YouTube.
Main Korean Comedy Channels & Their Contents
Virtual Dates
비대면 데이트
You go on blind dates and meet with each of the 5 men via video calls. The 5 guys are: Choi Jun (cafe owner), used car dealer, rapper, pyramid scheme worker and a third-generation chaebol.
The blind date videos, each lasting around 10 minutes, were all done in one take, proving their amazing acting skills.
Their jobs, personalities and characters are all what many Korean women don't look for in their men.
Slurping boogers after each sentence, trying to sell pyramid scheme products and borrowing money. Seriously, who would want to date these guys?
Hansarang Mountain Club
한사랑 산악회
Hansarang Alpine Club features the same comedians, but completely different characters from virtual dates.
They successfully re-enact typical Korean aunts (ajummas) and uncles in their 40s and 50s.
From colourful hiking clothes and gears, as well as the way they climb up the mountains while screaming, "Passion! Passion! Passion!" They 100% recreate what we see in the Korean mountains.
Miss hiking in Korea? Join Hansarang Alpine Club and enjoy Korean mountains in the comfort of your home.
Do You Know Daoism? Role-Playing
도를 아십니까 RP
"Do you know Daoism?" is a method of preaching a religion commonly found on streets of Korea.
The comedian YouTuber Kang Yu-mi has been to the religious facilities and have experienced their preaching. You can see how tremendous and realistic her acting is!
A lot of her videos on the channel provide English subtitles too, so feel free to browse around!
Iljin Role-playing
일진 RP
Iljin refers to mean kids in high school and middle school who are in school gangs.
Three lines of eyeliner drawn on her face, a giant hair roll and a tight school uniform reflect the reality of iljin well.
Some comments include: "I can smell the mix of cigarettes and perfume from here," and, "It's a masterpiece worth competing with popular K-dramas and movies."
빠더너스 BDNS
Online Geography Instructor Mr. Moon
한국지리 일타강사 문쌤
He recreates the tone and gestures of online instructors so perfectly that first-time viewers thought he was an actual instructor.
Mr. Moon gets trolled by his students often. They will AirDrop funny photos onto his projector.
What did you guys think? Let us know if you're watching any of their role-playing videos and if you've become addicted!