Check T-money Balance On Phone
T-money is sensible on phone? Check balances, transaction and boarding records all at once!
Hello, everyone! It's Creatrip, your Korea based travel besties,
together with fun and essential travel information and tips that only insiders know.
Without a transportation card in Korea, you may have a hard time while travelling from spot to spot. T-money is the most popular and userfriendly out of all companies. YET, isn't it too much work whenever you want to check the balance of it? You have to either go to the top-up machine in a subway or a convenient store
In the past, only Android users can check the balance on the phone, but now, good news to iPhone friends! ios13 or above is also available! You can check balances, transaction records and boarding records by BucaCheck-Korea. Come have a look at Creatrip's review and user experience!
T-money: check balances
Please note that this app requires iOS 13.0 or later. Search "BucaCheck-Korea transit card" (버카첵 - 편리한 nfc 교통카드 리더기) on App Store, or click the link below. 👇
🙌 Download here for iPhone users
Check Balance | Recent Records | Transportation near-by
After the screen as above shown (or press "tap here" to access), tap your T-money on the NFC area, upper part of your phone (as the blue icon shows).
When the scanning process's over, the blue icon will switch to a tick. The balance of the card will be shown right away, as well as the card number.
You can also check the transaction record in the middle category.
The icon in the middle tells the action to it, yellow is top up, blue is payment. Left side is before action and right is the balance after action. For example, I top up ₩50,000 onto my card so that the record shows as above.
Click the category on the left to check the boarding record: Transportation type, distance, on&off time and fee.
Here is the download link for iOS again. download
This blog post is about Check T-money Balance On Phone.. If you have questions about information not covered in the blog post, please email us at