
Professional K-Beauty Treatments in HongdaeㅣDr. Evers Hongdae

Get glowing with affordable Korean skin treatments in Hongdae!

Hyewon Park
4 months ago

If you're aiming for flawless Korean skin, you need to check out Dr. Ever's Hongdae branch while you're in Korea! Located in the trendy Hongdae area, this clinic offers safe, customized treatments with the latest technology, making every detail count for a truly personalized skincare experience. Don’t miss the chance to treat yourself!

Dr. Ever's Hongdae

Reserve Here


Hours: Monday-Friday 10:30-20:00; Lunchtime 14:00-15:00; Saturday 10:00-16:30; Closed on Sundays

Reservation Available: Monday-Friday 10:30-13:30 / 15:00-19:30; Saturday 10:00-15:30 (in 30-minute intervals)

Languages Available: Korean, English (Basic), Chinese (Fluent), Japanese (Basic)

Address: 140 Yanghwa-ro, 5th floor, Mapo-gu, Seoul
서울 마포구 양화로 140 5F

Why We Recommend It 

Enjoy safe and reliable K-Beauty treatments at reasonable prices at Dr. Evers Hongdae!

Equipped with the latest laser technology and medical equipment for high-quality treatments.

Convenient location (in front of Hongik University Station Exit 9)

No need to worry about language barriers with English-speaking staff.

Enjoy exclusive Creatrip benefits.


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Free Rejuran Mask Sheet 
(2 pcs)

* This event is first-come, first-served and may end without any notice. 


Korean Wrinkle Botox (1 area)
(The procedure duration for 1 area is approximately 5 minutes.)
13,000 KRW
7,000 KRW
INMODE FX (1 area)
(The procedure duration for 1 area is approximately 5 minutes.)
29,000 KRW
15,000 KRW
POTENZA (RF Needling) + EXOSOME + LED Regeneration Laser + Calming Mask
1 hour (including numbing cream waiting time)

223,000 KRW
179,000 KRW

DENSITY Lifting (300 shots)
20 minutes
987,000 KRW
790,000 KRW
ULTHERA (100 shots)
40 minutes (including numbing cream waiting time)
588,000 KRW
300,000 KRW
ULTHERA (300 shots)
1 hour (including numbing cream waiting time)
1,764,000 KRW
750,000 KRW

* Please make a reservation at least 2 days before your visit. 
* Please keep in mind that the prices are subject to change.

Refund Policy

Cancel reservation up to 3 days before visit
100% refund
Cancel reservation up to 2 days before visit
No refund

Things to Keep in Mind

During Reservation & Procedure

  • Please choose your desired date and time accurately on the reservation page. 
  • You have to make a deposit payment in order to complete the reservation. During final payment, pay the full amount excluding the deposit you've already paid.
  • Please make sure to visit on your desired date and time. 
  • If you are more than 10 minutes late, your reservation will be canceled and no refunds will be given. 
  • If you have any questions before the procedure, online consultation services are available in English through LINE and Facebook.
  • There may be a waiting time of up to one hour for consultations when there is a high volume of customers.
  • If you bring your passport, you can receive a 6% tax refund. (Only applicable to on-site payments.)
  • For reservation changes and inquiries, please contact help@creatrip.com.

After Procedure

  • Please refrain from drinking and smoking for one week after the procedure. 
  • After the treatment, temporary reactions such as troubles, swelling, bruising, or redness may occur. If they do not improve, please contact help@creatrip.com.

How to Reserve

  1. Please fill in all the required information accurately on the reservation page. 
  2. Proceed with the deposit payment. 
  3. After the payment is completed, your reservation will be confirmed within 1-2 business days. If a change in your reservation date is needed, we will notify you via email or messenger apps. 
  4. During your visit, show your reservation details to the staff.
  5. During final payment, pay the full amount excluding the deposit you've already paid.

During your visit;

  1. Present your reservation details at the information desk on the 5th floor. (You can see your reservation details on the Creatrip My Page.)
  2. Please wait for a moment in the waiting area inside the lobby.
  3. When your name is called, you will be guided to the consultation room to receive information about the procedure you will undergo, including the process, sequence, and duration of the treatment.
  4. After the procedure, if necessary, you can get a prescription and take the medication from a nearby pharmacy or schedule a follow-up visit.

Online Consultation Services (English available)



* Online consultation services are only available during business hours. 


Korean Wrinkle Botox
  • Procedure that injects botulinum toxin (Botox) into muscles that cause wrinkles to paralyze muscle movement, resulting in wrinkle improvement effects and reducing muscles such as square jaw, calves, and trapezius.


5 minutes


2-6 months
(Recommended every 3 months)
  • Wrinkle improvement and prevention
  • Reduced developed muscles
  • Provide elasticity to sagging facial lines
  • Reduced pore size
Recommended for
  • Those who want to improve wrinkles
  • Those concerned about wrinkles caused by aging
  • Those who want to improve an angry appearance due to habitual frowning
  • Facial wrinkle areas show effects 1-2 weeks after the procedure, while muscle areas such as chin and body show effects around 3-4 weeks.
  • Avoid activities that can severely rub or irritate the treated area (overeating, intense exercise, hot saunas, etc.).
  • You can wash your face and apply makeup on the day of the procedure.
  • The treated area may feel slightly stiff, swollen, or bruised, but most of the time it improves within 1-2 weeks.
  • Untreated muscle areas may develop uneven appearance as the muscles develop. In this case, it is recommended to retreat the area with Botox.
  • To prolong the effects, it is recommended to reduce muscle usage in the treated area.
  • After Botox treatment on the forehead, glabella, and eye area, occasionally eyebrows may rise, the forehead may feel heavy, or eyelids may droop. Most of the time, these symptoms recover naturally, but the progress can vary. To prevent these symptoms, avoid rubbing or lying down directly on the treated area after the procedure.

  • Anti-aging lifting that delivers high-frequency (RF) energy to the muscle (SMAS) layer through high-voltage electrical stimulation (HVP) to eliminate unnecessary fat cells, promote collagen generation and elastin in the epidermal and dermal layers.
  • Safe (FDA approved in the United States) lifting procedure with temperature checks on the epidermis every 1,000 times per second to minimize burns, blisters, and pain.


5 minutes per area


1 year to 1 year 6 months
  • Improvement in double chin and deep nasolabial fold
  • Fat decomposition
  • Elimination of fat cells
Recommended for
  • Those concerned about overall facial sagging and lack of elasticity
  • Those concerned about disappearing jawline due to double chin or chin fat
  • Those who want a natural lifting effect from the inside of the skin
  • Those who want to experience anti-aging effects as the skin gradually loosens due to aging
  • Those who want to improve fine lines, skin tone, and skin texture
  • Temporary bruising, redness, heat sensation, and pain may occur after the procedure.
  • Cleansing and makeup are possible immediately after the procedure, but avoid activities that irritate the skin.
  • Avoid cold water cleansing and mask packs for a week to maintain the heat sensation.
  • After the procedure, pay attention to sun protection and moisturizing.
  • Avoid peeling, exfoliation, intense exercise, or sauna for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a week after the procedure.
  • If you experience a strong heat sensation, apply an ice pack on a towel for 5 minutes to help.
  • You may feel the effects immediately after the procedure, but it takes 1-2 months for collagen regeneration.
  • Symptoms such as redness, heat sensation, swelling, itching, rash, exfoliation, roughness may occur, but most symptoms disappear within 1-4 weeks. Rarely, there may be lingering numbness, pain, discomfort, which usually recovers within 1-2 months.

  • Procedure that delivers two types of high-frequency waves, monopolar high-frequency to subcutaneous fat layer and fascia layer, and bipolar high-frequency to the epidermis and dermis superficial layer.
  • Safely protect the skin with a 5-step sophisticated cooling system and impedance feedback technology.


20-60 minutes


Up to 1 year
  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Wrinkle improvement
  • Improvement of skin texture and pores
Recommended for
  • Those concerned about decreased skin elasticity or sagging
  • Those concerned about fine lines around the eyes, forehead, and mouth
  • Those troubled by rough skin or large pores
  • Those in need of skin recovery from damage or aging
  • Those worried about heat and pain during lifting due to sensitive skin
  • Temporary bruising, redness, warmth, and pain may occur after the procedure.
  • Cleansing and makeup are allowed immediately after the procedure, but avoid any activities that may irritate the skin.
  • Avoid cold water cleansing and mask packs for a week to maintain warmth.
  • After the procedure, focus on sunscreen protection and moisturizing.
  • Avoid peeling or exfoliation, intense exercise, or sauna for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a week after the procedure.
  • If there is slight warmth, applying an ice pack wrapped in a towel for 5 minutes can help.
  • Although effects may be felt immediately after the procedure, it takes about 1-2 months for collagen regeneration.
  • Symptoms such as redness, warmth, swelling, itching, rash, flaking, roughness, etc., may occur, but most symptoms disappear within 1-4 weeks. Rarely, lingering numbness, pain, or discomfort may persist, but most recover within 1-2 months.

  • A premium lifting device that uses ultrasound to focus energy on the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) layer without damaging the surface of the skin, contracting the slack tissue for lifting.
  • It is a procedure that can be performed to improve sagging in the jawline, cheeks, and temples, or to improve overall elasticity.
  • Real-time imaging technology (DeepSee™) allows for precise depth assessment of the skin, enabling safe and appropriate procedures.


Approximately 40-60 minutes


The lifting effect maximizes gradually over 1-2 months after the procedure and is usually recommended every 6 months to 1 year.
  • Improvement in elasticity
  • Wrinkle improvement
  • Collagen regeneration
Recommended for
  • Those who want to improve fine lines and decreased skin elasticity
  • Those who want a natural lifting without surgery
  • Those who want a lifting without separate recovery time
  • Those looking for long-lasting lifting effects
  • Temporary bruising, redness, warmth, and pain may occur after the procedure.
  • Cleansing and makeup are possible immediately after the procedure, but avoid any activities that may irritate the skin.
  • After the procedure, remember to protect your skin from UV rays and keep it moisturized.
  • Avoid peeling or exfoliation, intense exercise, or sauna for 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 1 week after the procedure.
  • If you experience mild warmth, applying a cold pack on a towel for 5 minutes can help.
  • You may feel the effects immediately after the procedure, but it takes about 1-2 months for collagen regeneration.
  • Symptoms such as redness, warmth, swelling, itching, rash, roughness, or lumpiness may occur, but most symptoms disappear within 1-4 weeks. Rarely, lingering numbness, pain, or discomfort may persist, but most recover within 1-2 months.

Our Visit

Today, I visited Dr. Ever's Hongdae branch, located just a 5 minutes away from Hongik Univ. Station Exit 9.

When you enter the store, there is a spacious interior and a reception desk. Show your reservation details and confirm your reservation.

When you first visit, you need to fill out basic information like your name and contact details.

While waiting, you can enjoy a cup of water or tea. 

When your name is called, please move to the consultation room.

You can comfortably mention your areas of concern and the staff will help you pick the most suitable treatment. I was worried about my jawline and wanted to get a face reduction effect, so I was recommended INMODE treatment.

Consent form is required for laser surgery, so I have written a consent form.

After the consultation, I followed the staff's guidance and moved to the treatment room.

Today, I was guided to the lifting room because I will be having a lifting procedure.

Procedure room also has a locker to store your belongings!

After storing your belongings, lay down on the bed and wrap your hair with a towel to tidy up.

After cleaning your makeup, they apply moisturizer to your face.

After cleansing, I moved to the photoshoot room to take before photos.

Back to the lifting room again, they started applying anesthesia cream for the procedure.

When I applied the anesthesia cream, my face gradually became numb. They removed the cream after about 30-40 minutes.

We've started the procedure with ULTHERA which improves elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and regenerates collagen, and it is a procedure known for its excellent lifting effect.

You can receive the procedure by designing it according to your facial shape through another consultation.

The pain of ULTHERA was so famous that I was worried, but it didn't hurt too much, perhaps because I applied the anesthetic cream for a sufficient amount of time. There was a slight tingling sensation as if ultrasound was penetrating my face, but the pain was bearable.

When I expressed my concerns about the wrinkle area, the doctor took great care of the area around the eyes.

The following is the procedure known as INMODE. This time, I decided to get a sharp lifting on the jawline area.

Because it destroys fat cells and breaks down fat, it is said to be effective in improving double chin or deep wrinkles.

INMODE felt like it was sucking in my face. Also, because it is a high-frequency method that injects heat into the face, there may be a burning sensation. 

Following, we proceeded with INMODE FORMA. This procedure stimulates collagen cells, improves fine lines, and tightens skin texture.

This procedure was comfortable without much pain.

After the procedure, heat and redness occured on my face. There was a slight bruise next to the jawline, but it wasn't too severe. The redness and bruising can vary from person to person, but it can last for more than a week.

After thoroughly cleaning the gel with a cleanser, they applied moisturizer to the dried skin. And if the customer wants, they also apply sunscreen. After the procedure, wash your face with lukewarm water for 3-4 days to maintain body heat, and be careful to avoid intense exercise or saunas. There may be some swelling in the throat, and I was told to drink lots of water.

After all the procedures, I received an official ULTHERA procedure certificate and 2 sheets of REJURAN mask pack, only available if you make a reservation through Creatrip!

It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours from waiting for counseling to completion of all procedures.I had a slight bruising and redness on the face immediately after the procedure, but it quickly subsided. And after 3 days, both the bruising and redness disappeared.

Dr. Ever's Hongdae branch has a friendly service, making me feel comfortable during my visit. if you're also looking for professional K-beauty treatments that are also affordable, I highly recommend Dr. Ever's clinic!

How to Get There

Come out of Hongik Univ. Station Exit 9.

Turn left at the exit.

Turn right at the first corner.

Go straight.

Keep going straight until you see the building on the right.

Enter the department store and head to the 5th floor.

You've arrived at Dr. Ever's!

Dr. Ever's Hongdae

Reserve Here

We hope that you can enjoy your treatment at Dr. Ever's Hongdae! If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment below or send us an email at help@creatrip.com! You can follow us on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook to stay updated on all things Korea!