
Discovering Saju: The Ancient Korean Art of Fortune Telling

Discover the ancient Korean art of Saju, a traditional form of fortune telling that uses your birth details to reveal your destiny. Learn about its unique principles, cultural significance, and how it differs from Western astrology.

Haemin Yim
3 months ago

Have you ever wondered how the mysteries of your future could be unveiled through ancient traditions? Welcome to the fascinating world of Saju, Korea's unique approach to fortune telling!


Fortune telling has been a significant part of many cultures around the world, and Korea is no exception. In Korea, Saju is a traditional form of fortune telling that has been practiced for centuries. This blog will introduce you to the fascinating world of Saju, explaining its principles, cultural significance, and how it compares to Western astrology.

What is Saju?

Saju, which translates to "Four Pillars," is a form of Korean astrology that analyzes a person's destiny based on their birth year, month, day, and hour. Originating from ancient China, Saju has been deeply integrated into Korean culture, providing insight into an individual's personality, health, career, and relationships.

The Basics of Saju

Four Pillars

The core of Saju lies in its four pillars, which represent the year, month, day, and hour of a person's birth. Each pillar consists of two components: a heavenly stem and an earthly branch. Together, these elements create a detailed birth chart unique to each individual.

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches

There are ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches. The heavenly stems are associated with the elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), and the earthly branches correspond to the Chinese zodiac animals. The interaction between these stems and branches reveals much about a person's life and destiny.

Yin and Yang and the Five Elements

Saju also incorporates the principles of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. Yin and Yang represent balance and duality, while the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) interact in ways that influence a person's fate.

How Saju Works

Creating a Saju chart involves plotting the heavenly stems and earthly branches based on the exact time of birth. This chart is then interpreted to provide insights into various aspects of life. Common areas analyzed in Saju include personality traits, health prospects, career paths, and relationship dynamics.

Comparison with Western Astrology

While both Saju and Western astrology aim to predict and provide insights into a person's life, they differ significantly in their approaches. Western astrology uses the positions of the planets at the time of birth, focusing on the twelve zodiac signs. In contrast, Saju relies on the interplay between heavenly stems, earthly branches, and the Five Elements. This unique methodology sets Saju apart, offering a distinct perspective on destiny.

Cultural Practices and Modern Usage

Traditional Contexts

Traditionally, Saju has been used in various contexts such as planning weddings, making business decisions, and choosing auspicious dates for significant events. It has been a trusted tool for navigating life's uncertainties.

Modern Integration

In contemporary Korean society, Saju remains popular, with many people consulting Saju readers for guidance. Its appeal spans across different age groups, from young adults curious about their future to older individuals seeking deeper understanding.

Finding a Saju Reader

When looking for a reputable Saju practitioner, it's essential to consider their experience and credibility. A typical Saju reading session involves providing your birth details and receiving an interpretation of your chart. Understanding the ethical considerations and approaching the practice with an open mind is crucial for a meaningful experience.

[TourMate] Korean Fortune-telling (Saju) Cafe Tour ㅣ Gangnam

Online Saju Analysis Report Service

If you are interested in getting a detailed Saju analysis but can't visit a Saju reader in person, you can use the online Saju analysis report service offered by Creatrip. This service allows you to receive a comprehensive report on your Saju chart, providing insights into your personality, career, relationships, and more. The process is simple: you provide your birth details, and a professional Saju reader will analyze your chart and send you a detailed report.

Discover Your Future Life Path with Online Korean Saju (Four Pillars of Destiny Fortune-Telling) 


Saju offers a unique glimpse into Korean culture and the timeless quest to understand our destinies. Whether you're seeking personal insight or simply curious about traditional Korean practices, exploring Saju can be a rewarding journey.

Further Reading and Resources

For those interested in delving deeper into Saju, here are some recommended resources:

  • Books on Korean fortune telling and astrology
  • Websites offering detailed explanations and online tools for Saju charts
  • Articles exploring the cultural significance of Saju in modern Korea


What is Saju?

Saju is a traditional Korean form of fortune telling that uses the year, month, day, and hour of birth to predict an individual's destiny.

How does Saju differ from Western astrology?

Saju focuses on the interplay between heavenly stems, earthly branches, and the Five Elements, whereas Western astrology relies on the positions of the planets and the twelve zodiac signs.

Can I create my own Saju chart online?

Yes, several online tools can help you create a basic Saju chart using your birth details.

By understanding the rich tradition of Saju, you can gain valuable insights into your life and appreciate the deep cultural heritage of Korea.

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