
Hongdae Luggage Storage

All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Jeongyeong Yeo
5 years ago
Hongdae Luggage Storage-thumbnail
Hongdae Luggage Storage-thumbnail

Hello everyone! we are Creatrip, and we deliver you the latest Korean travel information.


What would be the most troublesome situation while traveling? It would be when you have arrived too early and cannot check into the hotel. What should you do with all the luggage?

I have summarized the information on 6 luggage storage service in Hongdae; price, time, payment method, and size. If you plan to visit Hongdae this is posting will come in handy!
Let's go check it out~

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Hongdae Luggage Storage

1. Happy Box

  • Location:Hongik Univ. Station near Exit 3, 4
  • Hours:Weekdays 05:00~01:00;Weekends and national holidays 05:00~00:00(unavailable when the station closes)
  • Language:Chinese, English, Japanese, Korea
  • Payment:T-Money card, credit card. Cannot use cash.

Happy Box is very common luggage storage service you can find. The price varies from place to place. Also it is located inside the subway station so it is very convenient for travelers to find and use.

4 hours24 hours
All Size₩4,000₩16,000

Happy Box Storage sizes

  • Small:30*50*60(cm)
  • Medium:45*50*60(cm)
  • Large:90*50*60(cm)

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

But because「Happy Box」is so popular in Hongdae you might not find room to store luggage. So we have found some other sites and introduced them on this blog.

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Hongdae Luggage Storage

2. ZimFree

  • Location:Hongik Univ. Station Exit 2 (towards Youngpoong Books)
  • Hours:11:00~22:30
  • Language:Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean
  • Payment:Credit card, cash ; T-Money not allowed

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Located near Hongik Univ. Station Exit 2, ZimFree is a famous luggage storage service among locals. They have operation hours, and when the service hour is over you cannot use their service. Those of you who used their service and put luggage here should pay attention to the operating hours.

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

4 hours+2 hours
20 inches₩2,000+₩1,000
26 inches₩4,000+₩2,000
32 inches₩6,000+₩2,000

You can use case or credit card, and there are multiple languages to choose from. Hongdae Station Exit 2 is where many attractions are located so the location is very nice!

Hongdae Luggage Storage

3. ZimFree

  • Location:Next to Hongik Univ. Station Exit 3.
  • Hours:24 hours(Staff on duty 09:00~21:00)
  • Language:Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean
  • Payment:Credit card, cash

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

I believe that many of you are familiar with this building. ZimFree next to Hongdae Exit 3 is divided into two areas. If you visit when the staff is on site (09:00~21:00) and choose to rent all day, it will cost less.

20 inches4 hours₩2,000
24 hours₩5,000
26 inches4 hours₩4,000
24 hours₩6,000
32 inches4 hours₩6,000
24 hours₩9,000

Note : If you are to checkout without staff you must operate the machine by yourself.

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

If you want to save money, remember to check in when the staff is on sit. Self-service currency exchange is also on site, and it works in the same way as the one in Myeongdong.

👉Seoul Currency Exchange Overview

Hongdae Luggage Storage


  • Location:Inside Hongik Univ. Station Exit 7
  • Hours:Sunday to Thursday 09:30~21:30;Friday and Saturday 09:30~23:30(Closed on Chuseok and Korean New Year's day)
  • Language:English, Korean
  • Payment:credit card, cash

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

RAON is located inside Hongik Univ. Station Exit 7. It is very cost saving area, and the price is calculated by luggage size. It also provides long-term storage, airport check-in, and hotel check-in services.

4 hours24 hours
20 inches₩4,000₩7,000
26 inches₩6,000₩10,000
32 inches₩8,000₩13,000

Some places cost ₩10,000/4 hours, and ₩17,000/24 hours.

Hongdae Luggage Storage

5. Yellow

  • Location:Inside Hongik University Station Exit 9 next to LOHB's
  • Hours:24 hours (staff on site 08:00~18:00 on weekdays, 08:30~20:00 on weekends)
  • Language:Chinese, Japanese, English, Korean
  • Payment:credit card, cash, T-Money card

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Yellow Baggage Storage is located inside of Hongik Univ. Station Exit 9. They have 500 lockers to put in, and it will almost never be full. The way to open the lock is to input your finger print so it is 100% secure and guaranteed of safety.

4 hours24 hours
20 inches₩3,000₩7,000
26 inches₩5,000₩11,000
32 inches₩6,000₩13,000

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Hongdae Luggage Storage

6. Travel Center

  • Location:Inside Hongik Univ. Station Exit 5
  • Hours:08:00~21:00
  • Language:English, Korean
  • Payment:credit card, cash

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

Travel Center is run by SAFEX. I believe that travelers must be familiar with the place. In addition to the luggage delivery system, they also offer luggage storage service.

4 hours24 hours
23 inches₩5,000₩7,000
27 inches₩7,000₩9,000
Over 28 inches₩9,000₩12,000

Seoul Travel | All the information you need for luggage storage in Hongdae!

👉Luggage Delivery service

This posting was about luggage storage services in Hongdae. We hope that everyone check out this blog and have pleasant travel in Korea. Also don't forget to get discounts for Creatrip members.

Dear friends, we will see you next time!

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