View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.
View of the skyscraper at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea. Water and sky blend seamlessly as the tower overlooks a lake. The electric lights create a fluid and mesmerizing world below.
Nighttime skyline of Busan's vibrant city center, overlooking the illuminated Waterfront and 101 Tower amidst twinkling neon lights.
Cityscape view of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, overlooking a lake with a purple sky and clouds.
Cityscape of Busan featuring the iconic skyscraper, The Bay 101, surrounded by purple skies and water. Tower blocks, plants and electricity are visible.
Skyscraper towering over nature with water and cityscape in the background.
Delicious spread of food and drink including deep fried fish and chips and beer at The Bay 101 in Busan, Korea.


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    • 大海附近嘅高樓五光十色,成為釜山欣賞夜景嘅好去處。
    • 呢度更有Cafe、餐廳同酒吧,可以喺度解決一餐添!
    • 隨住季節,仲有啤酒慶典、展覽等活動可以參加;或者坐住遊艇,欣賞釜山沿岸景色都唔錯㗎!


    • The Bay 101喺釜山海雲臺區佑洞附近,可以去埋水上活動會所、Marine City等地方,係個出名嘅景點。


    FilledLocationIcon부산광역시 해운대구 동백로 52
    더베이 101
    • 電話051-726-8888
    • 營業時間
        01.01 ~ 12.31
        01.01 ~ 12.31 DEPRECATED_ArrowIcon

    0 個評價



    The Bay 101