Wood Studio Hongdae Branch | Craft your own ring with Skateboard Scraps!
1 Сэтгэгдлүүд
2K+MNT 281,076
Хамгийн их 6,324 оноо
- Цуцлах эсвэл өөрчлөх нь төлбөргүй 3 хоногийн өмнө
- Гар утасны захиалгын карт эсвэл ваучер
- Тодорхой огноотой тасалбар
- Солонгос хэл боломжтой
- Англи хэл боломжтой
- Захиалгын баталгаа 1-2 өдрийн дотор
- Unused furniture, skateboards, and other materials are being used to create wooden rings to protect the environment.
- You can easily create your first woodworking project using a small piece of wood.
- We are accepting reservations and you can comfortably create in a private environment.
- English instructions and the staff can communicate in English and Japanese, so even if you can't speak Korean, you can still feel comfortable.
- Located near Seokchon Station, it has good accessibility and you can explore various places around Seokchon Station after finishing.
- I can give myself a meaningful and unforgettable gift, especially since I made it in Korea.
- I can have a great time with loved ones, creating together and taking pictures in the photo zone.
Огноог сонгох
Сонголт сонгох
ҮнэгүйХэрхэн ашиглах
- Duration: about 2 hours
- Please make a reservation one day before your visit.
Цуцлалын бодлого
- Cancellation made 3 days prior to the visit will result in a 100% refund.
- Cancellation is non-refundable if made less than 2 days prior to the visit.
Сануулах зүйлс
- To ensure smooth progress, please select the exact date and time within the reservation page.
- You can reserve up to 6 people at one time.
- You can choose the design of the wooden ring you desire directly on site. (Walnut tree, Oak tree, Aspen tree, Maple tree)
- Even pieces of the same type of wood can vary in grain, color, texture, and so on.
- There is a ring gauge set up on site to measure the circumference of the lake.
- Please consult with an expert before making a decision, as the ring lake may decrease during the process.
- Please be careful not to injure your hands on rough wood chips and sandpaper.
- Please keep the wooden ring that has been created away from water for an extended period of time.
- If water consistently comes into contact with it, the wood's natural color and surface shine may diminish.
- There is not always a staff member available who can speak Japanese.
- When making a reservation for two or more people, it may take slightly longer than the usual estimated time.
- Please contact help@creatrip.com for any changes to reservations or other inquiries.
Дэлгүүрийн мэдээлэл
Ойролцоо Байрлах Газрын Станц
4-р мөр
Нийт 1 сэтгэгдэл
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