
2,3 level language school experience sharing.

9 months ago
Before the start of the semester, the school will hold an online information session to provide information about purchasing textbooks and important issues for the start of the semester. If you are unable to attend the session, instructions on which classroom to go to will be posted on the school's website. The first class of the semester will review the content from the previous level and integrate to facilitate the transition of students to the new course content.
El curso está dividido en dos partes, A y B. En la segunda mitad del nivel 2, el enfoque está en la cita indirecta en el diálogo. El profesor enfatiza la comunicación e interacción con los estudiantes en clase y los anima a sentarse en asientos diferentes todos los días para comunicarse y conocer mejor a personas de diferentes países. También se darán tareas en clase para que los estudiantes practiquen los cambios gramaticales. Antes del examen, se hará una revisión de las primeras lecciones, y se dará un examen parcial después de completar la primera mitad del curso. El profesor proporcionará preguntas que es probable que se hagan en el examen para que los estudiantes se preparen. Después del examen parcial, se organizará un curso de experiencia cultural de un día, generalmente el día antes de un feriado.
The content of level 3 is mostly related to daily life, with slightly deeper difficulty in grammar. After level 3, teachers will first help everyone to complement the vocabulary and popular phrases by sharing daily life, increasing the richness of content in the classroom, and also taking the opportunity to learn complementary content that is not in the textbook. The school focuses on speaking, with the first 2 hours being grammar explanations and oral expression courses, and the last hour being listening and reading, with opportunities to share and express opinions. The last hour is for writing, and the teacher will help with any questions that may arise. The learning environment is very free, and the overall classroom atmosphere is very cheerful. Through oral communication in the course, students can also learn about the culture of various countries, with a relatively average student ratio.
La ventaja de la escuela es su conveniente transporte, ubicada cerca de la Estación Sinchon (新村), Estación Edae (梨大) y Estación Daeheung (大興), lo que facilita ir a cualquier lugar. La desventaja es que la comida en los restaurantes de la escuela no es muy sabrosa, por lo que usualmente después de clase, los estudiantes van a restaurantes en Sinchon o cerca de la escuela para comer con sus compañeros de clase. 
During the language school comparison process, some schools may offer cultural experiences and a buddy system. While Sogang also offers cultural experiences, they are relatively simple and do not have a buddy system. From level 3, students can participate in school clubs, but it's a little unfortunate that students at level 2 still can't join the clubs.
The first thing to do during the process of studying abroad is finding accommodation. Due to the language barrier at that time, I successfully signed a contract with a local Korean real estate agent with the help of a Korean friend. From then on, I had to be especially careful in all aspects of daily life, even basic activities like living and eating took a long time to adapt compared to my home country. This included sorting community garbage and learning to use appliances, among other things.
When I first arrived in Korea, in addition to adjusting to school life, after class I went sightseeing with friends and tried delicious food, like a tourist. This experience was completely different from my student days and it was also the charm of studying abroad. After coming to Korea and making friends from different countries, we also exchanged languages and learned languages other than Korean. Although they were only basic greetings, the communication process was very interesting and it was a very unforgettable learning experience. After the course ended, I plan to continue self-study and stay in touch with the classmates I have met. If I have the opportunity, I would like to experience the Korean language school course again.
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