
South Korea declares Special Entry Procedure

By March 19th, Korea government will reinforce immigration regulations. Install Korean diagnosis APP!

Jeongyeong Yeo
5 years ago
South Korea declares Special Entry Procedure-thumbnail
South Korea declares Special Entry Procedure-thumbnail

Source:Yonhap News

Hi everyone! We are Creatrip, and we deliver you the latest Korean travel news.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has widespread throughout the world. Korean government has taken a new measure of "Special Entry Procedure".

Creatrip follows latest news on COVID-19 situation in Korea. Follow us for safe trip in Korea.

By March 19th, Korea government will reinforce immigration regulations. Install Korean diagnosis APP!Source:KBS NEWS

Previously, people from only some countries had to undergo special immigration controls to check whether they had symptoms of Coronavirus. They had to install self-diagnosis APP and submit address and telephone number.

Recently there were 6 Koreans, 16 Europeans, 14 Chinese, and 14 Asians from other country have entered Korea.

By March 19th, Korea government will reinforce immigration regulations. Install Korean diagnosis APP!

South Korean government decided to increase immigration controls and extend the scope of countries to all countries from March 19th. All entrants have to inform local government of their symptoms within two weeks of entry.

More than 13,000 people have entered Korean by March 16th, and 2,000 were checked under special entry procedure.
