
Authentic Korean Cooking | Traditional Seaweed Soup Recipe

Recipe and tips for making traditional Korean seaweed soup, plus some instant options!

3 years ago

Korean seaweed soup (미역국) is famously eaten on birthdays, but Koreans actually eat this dish all the time.

Its mild flavor makes it suitable for everyone and, since it isn't overpowering, it can be a great addition to almost any meal.

Today I want to teach you how to make this nutritious soup and also show you some instant seaweed soup options for when you're busy and need food fast, but want something affordable and with a home-cooked feel and flavor.

Seaweed Soup Recipe

A bowl of seaweed soup

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

10g dried seaweed
100g beef
Garlic (minced)
Sesame oil, salt & pepper, soy sauce


You can buy dried seaweed for soup at grocery stores. Choose one with a dark green color.

The amount of seaweed and meat can be adjusted to your own preferences. The seaweed gets a lot bigger when rehydrated though, so keep this in mind!

Don't soak seaweed for too long or it will lose its taste. Refer to the instructions on the packaging.

Beef can be replaced with other proteins.


Dried and rehydrated seaweed

Step 1: Soak the seaweed in water until softened. This usually takes about 10-20 minutes, but please check the instructions on the package of your seaweed.

After soaking, rinse the seaweed with clean water and cut it into bite-size pieces.

Chopping meat

Step 2: Slice the beef into small, thin pieces and marinate with soy sauce, minced garlic, and pepper.

Close up of seaweed soup

Step 3: Add sesame oil to a pot then add meat and stir. Next, add the seaweed and a little soy sauce.

Pour about 750ml of water into the pot and bring it to a boil. Season with salt and pepper.

Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the seaweed and meat are tender and the soup has thickened.

Bowl of Seaweed soup

And that's it, your seaweed soup is ready! Serve with rice for a simple and tasty meal.

Instant Korean Seaweed Soup

Alternatively, if you don't have time or you're feeling lazy, you can enjoy instant seaweed soup!

1. Bibigo Abalone Seaweed Soup

Holding Bibigo Abalone Seaweed Soup

Korean name: 비비고 전복미역국

Price: 5,980 won

Servings: 1-2

Bibigo Abalone Seaweed soup display

This seaweed soup is made with abalone, so the price is a little more than your standard seaweed soup.

To prepare, just heat and serve. You can use a microwave or heat it in a pan on the stove.

If you like seafood, then try this version!

2. Bibigo Beef Seaweed Soup

Holding Bibigo Beef Seaweed Soup

Korean name: 비비고 소고기 미역국

Price: 4,480 won

Servings: 1-2

Bibigo Beef Seaweed Soup display

If you like beef seaweed soup, this is a great option. I actually eat this one a lot. 

The taste is very good and the amount of meat and seaweed is generous.

If you're curious about this one, you can purchase it here. 

3. Yorihada Seaweed Soup

Holding Yorihada Seaweed Soup

Korean name: 요리하다 미역국

Price: 2,000 won

Servings: 1-2

Yorihada Seaweed Soup display

This is one of the cheapest options that still has beef in it; however, the amount is considerably less than some of the higher-priced varieties.

Still, it is a good option though when you need a quick, easy, and cheap meal! 

4. Dongwon Clam Seaweed Soup

Holding Dongwon Clam Seaweed Soup

Korean name: 동원 양반 백함 미역국

Price: 3,980

Servings: 1-2

Dongwon Clam Seaweed Soup display

This variety contains clams, so if you're bored with beef or don't eat beef, this is a great option.

Above is the recipe for Korean seaweed soup along with some ready-to-go options for those who don't have time to cook.

If you try out this recipe, be sure to let us know! Leave a comment below, or take a picture and tag us on social media!