
坡州「Dirty Trunk」探訪

安普賢打卡點在這!坡州咖啡廳「Dirty Trunk」探訪,首爾近郊必收超美咖啡廳

Soobin Cho
4 years ago
坡州「Dirty Trunk」探訪-thumbnail
坡州「Dirty Trunk」探訪-thumbnail



說到坡州,首先想到的會是大型outlet(探訪請點我),但其實這裡除了購物中心外,圖書館、藝術村、異國村莊等打卡景點也非常多,是首爾人非常喜歡的近郊景點之一。小編探訪了坡州非常有名的咖啡廳「Dirty Trunk」,這也是近期打卡熱點,快點收藏起來,之後一起來踩點看看吧。

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坡州 Dirty Trunk


  • 地址:경기 파주시 지목로 114
  • 時間:09:00至22:00


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

坡州「Dirty Trunk」是這一年多來,在SNS上非常熱門的咖啡廳,熱門到只要去坡州的韓國人,都會來這裡打卡。外觀是個巨大倉庫,工廠般的內部和挑高的天花板,一進門就給人種雄偉的感覺。加上一整排的甜點、燈光艷麗的廚房真的很吸睛。是不是迫不及待要進去了呢?

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

一走進Dirty Trunk,真的讓人看傻了眼,因為這裡真的太漂亮、又壯觀,完全找不到形容詞來講,感覺就像是夢境裡會出現的那種豪華咖啡廳,真的非常漂亮。

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju



Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

點完之後,坡州Dirty Trunk的店員會給這個震動鈴,之後就去找位置吧。

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

忘了說!如果是要吃正餐的朋友,在Dirty Trunk也能享有飽足的一餐,價格算中間,建議兩三人可以點麵包、餐點一起分食會比較划算。

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju納什維爾雞肉堡₩15,500


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, pajuSpoon the Bolognese₩15,000


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju拿鐵₩5,000

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju美式咖啡₩4,000

整體來說,小編願意給Dirty Trunk的食品與飲品高分,配上這裡的景致,真的很適合在這裡放鬆、耍廢一整天。現在小編也帶大家逛逛咖啡廳內部吧。

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju現場也有商品可以買

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju咖啡豆

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju酒類

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

在一樓這裡,有非常多位置,不過小編更推薦大家往樓上走,因為樓上才是坡州咖啡廳「Dirty Trunk」的打卡重點。

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju



Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

重點來了!這裡就是坡州咖啡廳「Dirty Trunk」最多人愛的打卡區!

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

就連之前因為《梨泰院Class》爆紅的安普賢,前陣子也有來到Dirty Trunk打卡呢。



Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju


Cafe + Bakery + Restaurant + Bar | Instagram Superstar of Paju, seoul, paju, travel, pasta, burger, pastries, pastry, cakes, wine, beer, heineken, cafe tour, korea, seoul, paju

韓國咖啡廳不只靠餐點就能取勝,要氣派、華麗,甚至帶有別人無法超越的風格,坡州「Dirty Trunk」咖啡廳讓小編非常喜歡,大家快點加到最愛,之後來場坡州之旅吧。

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